Labs and Dialogues for Informed Decision Making
“Unique Capacity Development Labs & Dialogues for Clients”
We believe in stakeholder engagement in the delivery of our services. We use a unique approach and methods to understand our clients’ expectations and maintain regular contact. Labs and dialogues are used to bridge the gap between research, solution, practise and action. Capacity development in the form of training enables competency building by our experts to identify opportunities and make a difference in your organization.

ACE focus group discussion
The Forum focused on Energy Efficiency Enabling Environment – Demand Side Management. The forum was actively attended by various stakeholders, namely policy makers, researchers and owners of energy service companies.

Advanced Financial Forecasting Workshop
The workshop was virtually led by Prof. Dr. VGR Chandran and attended by practitioners from various industries in Asia Pacific and the Middle East.

ASEAN Plan of Action on Science, Technology and Innovation (APASTI) meeting
The APASTI implementation meeting is chaired by the ASEAN Secretariat and involves other AMS policy makers and advisors.

ASEAN Climate Change High-Level Forum
The ASCC Research and Development Forum “Building Climate Change Data Management Capacities and Enhancing Access to Climate Finance” was jointly organized by the ASEAN Secretariat and C&G Analytica.

Global Value Chain Conference
Dr. Sarpanes presents the GVC case in the Malaysian context at the conference organized by the European Commission held in Milan, Italy.

Data Analytics for Practioners Workshop
The workshop was virtually chaired by Prof. Dr. VGR Chandran and attended by practitioners from various industries from across the ASEAN region.

Visit at ASEAN Centre for Sustainable Development Studies and Dialogue
The meeting agreed to seek and strengthen future cooperation to jointly contribute to the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.

Economic Forecasting Workshop
The workshop was virtually led by Prof. Dr. Shujaat from Pakistan and attended by practitioners from different sectors in Asia and Europe.

Workshop- Greening ASEAN Palm Oil Industry
The project explores the potential role of palm oil in the supply of food and transport energy in ASEAN and East Asia.

Financial Literacy Programme
The hands-on workshop combines personal finance, financial concepts and financial planning to help B40 graduates build wealth and achieve long-term stability.

GRI Sustainability Briefing Session
Dr. Sarpanes shares sustainability reporting Scope 1, 2 & 3 methodologies with industry practitioners.

Networking & Knowledge sharing session
C&G director and EPU officer discuss ESG awareness among Malaysian SMEs.

Sustainability Sharing Session - Nature based Solution in ASEAN Perspectives
The meeting took place at the official residence of the Australian Ambassador, His Excellency Dr Justin Lee in Ampang, Selangor.

Networking Lunch (Industry 4.0 Technical Workshop)
The workshop was attended by technical experts from industry, academia and policymakers from 10 ASEAN member states, organised by ERIA.

SDGs Conference in Vietnam
The conference focused mainly on possible solutions on how to better integrate efforts to address the global crises related to the SDGs.

Smart City and Digitalisation Report Launch in Kuala Lumpur
C&G Analytica worked closely with the Institute for Manufacturing (University of Cambridge) and the project management (GSMA) to produce the report “Harnessing Technology and Data for Sustainable Urban Mobility in Malaysia”.

Solar Industry Value Chain Development in ASEAN and North-East India
The technical workshop organized by ERIA to identify and formulate strategies, standards and requirements for the development of a regional solar supply chain involving the NER of India and key ASEAN economies.

Solar Plant visit in Bangkok
The technical workshop organised by ERIA to identify and formulate strategies, standards and requirements for the development of a regional solar supply chain involving the NER of India and key ASEAN economies.

Renewable energy project implementation site-visit
C&G Analytica, in collaboration with the University of Malaya, participated in a field trip to Panampang, Sabah to see small-scale solar power generation improving the well-being of nearly 60 families